List of Guides and their Research Specialization:

Guide Name Specialization
Dr. G.A Ravishankar Plant Biotechnology & Food Biotechnology
Dr. N. Rajeswari Cancer Biology & Molecular Biology
Dr. Hema Kumar C Nutraceuticals, Cancer and Molecular Biology
Dr. Prashantha Karunakar Bioinformatics, Computer-aided drug design, Molecular Modeling and Structural Bioinformatics, Crystallography
Dr. Blessy Baby Mathew Nanomaterials, Biocomposites, Bioremediation, Sustainable engineering
Dr. Jayaram L N Drug design and development, Bacterial genomics

List of faculty members registered for research program and their areas of research:

Sl. No. Candidate Research Topic Registered Year Guide
1 Mr. Ramakrishana D

Studies on potentiation of bioactive compounds of Salacia
reticulata under in vitro and in Vivo condition for beneficial effects

Ph.D., 2013 Dr. G. A. Ravishankar
Professor Dept. of Biotechnology DSCE, Bangalore
Dr. S. Kiran
Professor & Head Dept. of Biotechnology DSCE, Bangalore
2 Mr. Shanshank A Tidke Enhancement of Isoflavane in saybean, invitro and invivo,
through elicitor application and vesicular – Arbuscular mycorsijal (VAM) treatment
Ph.D., 2013
3 Ms. Madhuri S. Aithal Evaluation of gene expression in Notch Pathway & their epigenetic status from Human Glioma Samples Ph.D., 2011 Dr. N. Rajeswari
Associate Professor Dept. of Biotechnology DSCE, Bangalore
4 Mrs. Preetham Harsha Pharmacological evaluation of selective medicinal plants for hepato protective activity Ph.D., 2011 Dr. S. Kiran
Professor & Head Dept. of Biotechnology DSCE, Bangalore
5 Mr. Sinosh Skariyachan
Asst. Professor
Molecular characterization of microorganisms present in Cauvery River and in silico analysis for probable drug targets Ph.D., 2010 Dr. N. Rajeswari
Associate Professor Dept. of Biotechnology DSCE, Bangalore
Dr. S. Kiran
Professor & Head Dept. of Biotechnology DSCE, Bangalore
6 Mr. N. Sameera Studies on biosorption of Chromium from waste water effluents using biomass M.Sc (Engg.) 2010 Dr. S. Kiran
Professor & Head Dept. of Biotechnology DSCE, Bangalore
7 Mamatha R Patil

Identification of probable lead molecule targeting major genes in pyocyanin biosynthesis pathway of drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa by molecular modeling and computational virtual screening

M. Sc (Engg.) by Res. 2018 Dr. Sinosh Skariyachan
Associate Professor Dept. of Biotechnology DSCE, Bangalore-78

KSCST PROJECTS (2022-2023)

Sl. No Year Title Guide/Co-Guide Amount (Rs)
1. 2023 Mitigation of oxidative stress mediated by hexavalent chromium in Drosophila melanogaster. Prof.BHANU REVATHI K, Dr. PRADEEP H N 6,000

KSCST PROJECTS (2021-2022)

Sl. No Year Title Guide/Co-Guide Name of the Students Amount (Rs)
1. 2022 Studying the Critical Association of omicron spike protein with human ACE2 Protein: Approach to develop Quinoline Derivatives and Novel Peptides as Antimicrobial Agent Dr. N. Rajeswari
Dr. C. Hemakumar
Ms. Spoorthi N
Ms. Mitali V Shetty
Ms. V. Shristi Sharma
2. 2022 Nanomaterial immobilized Enzyme for Biodiesel Production using cost effective Feedstock Ms. Manasa V Anand
Ms. Bhanu Revathi K
Ms. Kavyarathna
Ms. Navya Suresh P
Ms. Rakshitha S
3. 2022 Cultivation of HygrophilaAuriculata and conductininvivo studies of Rheumatoid Arthritis using CIA Rat model Dr. ShashankTidke
Dr. N. Rajeswari
Ms. NayanaChanassery
Ms. Aishwarya P R
Ms. Medha A M
4. 2022 Novel Biocomposite film made of collagen extracted from Tilapia fish skin to treat open wounds in elderly Dr. Blessy Baby Mathew
Dr. Anantharaju K S
Ms. Supritha M Ms. Hanisha A
Ms. M. JahnaviChowdhary
Ms. R U Sakthi

KSCST PROJECTS (2019-2020)

Sl. No Year Title Guide/Co-Guide Amount (Rs)
1. 2012 Photo bioreactor design for continuous hydrogen production using Micro algae. Mr. Madhu H.N 9,000
2. 2013 Energy efficient algae bio mass cultivation for sustainable bio diesel and bio gas production. Mr. Madhu H.N 10,000
3. 2014 Selection and Screening of Microbial consortia for efficient and eco-friendly degradation of plastic wastes in urban and rural areas of Bangalore. Mr. Sinosh Skariyachan 5,000
4. 2015 Preparation of innovative cross linked PVA gels for bone fracture dressing application using herbal products. Mr. Sinosh Skariyachan 7,000
5. 2015 Formulation and characterization of novel plastic degrading microbial consortia isolated from various places of Bangalore city and study of theirBiodegradation potential. Mr. Sinosh Skariyachan 8,000
6. 2015 Production of efficient grade Biodiesel from Azollafilliculoides and extraction of neutraceuticals(DHA, EPA) from remaining processed. Dr. S. Kiran 5,000
7. 2016 Amelioration of oxidative stress in acrylamide induced neurotoxicity in vitro using aged garlic extract, S-ally cystene, N-acetyl cystene. Dr. Shinomol George K
Mrs. Bhanu Revati K
8. 2016 Application of Novel thermophilic bacterial consortia screened from cow dung as an eco-friendly approach for the degradation of plastic garbage in Bengaluru city. Dr. Sinosh Skariyachan 6,000
9. 2016 Bioelectricity production through integrated biogas & microbial fuel cell. Mr. Madhu H. N 10,000
10. 2017 Prioritizing the plastic degradation potential of noval thermophilic consortia screened from various waste management landfills and sewage treatment plants in selected areas of Karnataka state: an eco-friendly biotechnological intervention for plastic waste management. Dr. Sinosh Skariyachan 7,500
11. 2017 Bionanoparticles from Bacopa monnieri and its propensity in ameliorating acrylamide induced neurotoxicity: involvement of glutathione- in vitro and in silico. Dr. Shinomol George K
Dr. Kumar K M
12. 2017 Innovative biofuel production from hydrothermal liquefaction technology by blending polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and lignocellulosic biomass (Sawdust). Mrs. Manasa V. Anand 8,000
13. 2018 Production of mycodiesel from cost effective hydrocarbons of endophytic fungal species of pongamia and jatropha Dr. M. Govindappa Ms. Manasa V Anand 12,000
14. 2018 Biofuel production using innovation and cost effective bioreactor from microalgae and pva by hydrothermal liquefaction technology (at low temperature) Ms. Manasa V Anand Ms. Bhanu Revathi K 13,000
15. 2019 Characterisation of Plant Ribosomal Inactivating Proteins and their Possible Role in Cancer Cell Lines. Dr.Govindappa M 6,500
16. 2019 Bioremediation of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds from Stored Plastic Bottles using CitrullusLanatus (Watermelon) Rind. Ms.Bhanu Revathi K 5,500
17. 2019 Production of Mecodieselfrom Cost Effective Hydrocarbons of Endophytic Species of Pongamia and Jatropha. Ma. Manasa V Anand 5,500
18. 2020 Innovative Alternative To Plastics : Eco-Friendly Biopolymers From Inedible Food Wastes. Dr. Shashank Tidke Mrs. Manasa V Anand 5,000
19. 2020 Portable Filtration Unit Using Novel Graphene Infused Natural Compounds And Nanofillers: A Recent Advancement In Water Purification Technology. Dr. Blessy Baby Mathew Mrs. K Bhanu Revathi 5,500
20. 2020 Production of Innovative Biodegradable Product From Coconut Husk/Shell. Mr. B.S. Thirumalesh Mrs. Manasa V Anand 5,000




List of Scholars Completed/Pursuing Ph. D/M. Sc. (Res & Engg.,) from Research Centre, Department of Biotechnology, DSCE, Bangalore:

Sl No Name Research Program Guide Co-Guide Year of registration Year of completion University
1. Sinosh Skariyachan Ph.D Dr. N. Rajeswari Dr. S. Kiran 2010 2016 VTU
2. Sameera .N M. Sc. (Res & Engg.,) Dr. S. Kiran - 2010 In progress VTU
3. Preetham .J Ph.D Dr. S. Kiran - 2011 2019 VTU
4. Madhuri G.S. Aithal
Fellowship: Lady tata Memorial Trust
Ph.D Dr. N. Rajeswari - 2011 2019 VTU
5. Ramakrishan .D
Fellowship: Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowhip
Ph.D Dr. G. A. Ravishankar Dr. S. Kiran 2013 2019 VTU
6. Shashank A. Tidke Ph.D Dr. G. A. Ravishankar Dr. S. Kiran 2013 2019 VTU
7. Bhanu Revathi .K Ph.D Dr. Shinomol George K Dr. Saroja N Rao 2016 In progress VTU
8. Manasa V. Anand Ph.D Dr. R. Ravishankar Dr. S. Kiran 2016 In progress VTU
9. Supreetha .K Ph.D Dr. Saroja N Rao Dr. S. Kiran 2016 In progress VTU
10. Dr. Nilambari Patil Post Doc Dr. G. A. Ravishankar - 2016 2018  

Funded Projects:

Sl No Coordinator / PI/Co-PI Project Title Funding Agency Amounts received Year of Sanction Status
1. Dr. Blessy baby Mathew
Ms. BhanuRevathi K
Development of a Low-cost Functional Stack and incorporation of Photocatalysis – Derived Column for water purification. KSCST-FPP 90,000 2022 Approved
2. Dr. Blessy baby Mathew Novel design and development of a filtration unit to convert floodwater to drinking resource using graphene based nanocomposites VGST 3 lakhs 2020 Approved
3. Dr. S. Kiran Biotechnology Skill Enhancement Programme-(BiSEP) KBITS, GoK 50 lakhs. 2017 Approved
4. Dr. Saroja Narsing Rao Creating protease knock in E. coli system using crelox mechanism for better expression of soluble recombinant proteins DBT Rs.25 lakhs 2017 Ongoing
5. Dr. Shinomol George K
Dr. Kumar K M
Bionanoparticles from Bacopa monnieri and its propensity in ameliorating acrylamide induced neurotoxicity: involvement of glutathione- in vitro and in silico KSCST Rs.5,500 2017 Completed
6. Dr. Sinosh Skariyachan Prioritizing the plastic degradation potential of noval thermophilic consortia screened from various waste management landfills and sewage treatment plants in selected areas of Karnataka state: an eco-friendly biotechnological intervention for plastic waste management KSCST Rs.7,500 2017 Completed
7. Mrs. Manasa V. Anand Innovative biofuel production from hydrothermal liquefaction technology by blending polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and lignocellulosic biomass (Sawdust) KSCST Rs.8,000 2017 Completed
8. Dr. Sinosh Skariyachan Application of novel thermophilic Bacterial consortia screened from cow Dung as an eco-friendly approach for The degradation of plastic garbage in Bengaluru city KSCST Rs.8000 2016 Completed
9. Dr. Shinomol George K
Mrs. Bhanu Revati K
Amelioration of oxidative stress in Acrylamide induced neurotoxicity Invitro using aged garlic extract, s-ally Cysteine, n-acetyl cysteine KSCST Rs. 6000 2016 Completed
10. Mr. Madhu H. N Bioelectricity production through integrated bio-gases and microbial fuel cell KSCST Rs. 10,000 2016 Completed
11. Dr. N. Rajeswari DNA Methylation studies on Glioma tissue samples using High resolution melting (HRM) based quantitative analysis DBT Rs.25 lakhs 2015 Completed
12. Dr. S. Kiran Production of efficient grade biodiesel from azolla filiculoides and extraction of nutraceuticals (dha, epa) from remaining processed fatty acids KSCST Rs.5,000 2015 Completed
13. Mr. Sinosh Skariyachan Formulation and characterization of novel plastic degrading microbial consortia isolated from various places of Bangalore city and study of their bio degradation potential. KSCST Rs. 8,000/td> 2015 Completed
14. Madhu .H.N Preparation of innovative crosslinked PVA gels for bone fracture dressing application using herbal products KSCST Rs.7,000 2015 Completed
15. Dr.G.A. Ravishankar PI
Dr. S. Kiran Co-PI
Influence of Stress on Metabolites with Nutitional Value and Protective Function of Indian and Bulgarian Soybean Genotyes obtained by Biotechnology and Genetic Methods DST Rs. 11.40 lakhs 2014 Completed
16. Dr. Saroja Narsing Rao - PI
Dr. G.S.Jagannatha Rao - Co-PI
Siderophore monoxygenase – A potent drug target for tuberculosis and other bacterial diseases DBT, Women Scientist category Rs. 29 lakhs 2014 Completed
17. Mr. Sinosh Skariyachan Selection and Screening of Microbial consortia for efficient and eco-friendly degradation of plastic wastes in urban and rural areas of Bangalore KSCST Rs. 5,000 2014 Completed
18. Dr. N. Rajeswari An observational longitudinal prospective study to evaluate genes expressed in Notch pathway, prognosis and treatment response in gliomas DST Rs. 18.00 laths 2008 Completed
19. Mr. Madhu H.N Energy efficient algae bio mass cultivation for sustainable bio diesel and bio gas production KSCST Rs.10,000 2013 Completed
20. Mr. Madhu H.N Photo bioreactor design for continuous hydrogen production using Micro algae KSCST Rs.9,000 2012 Completed
21. Mr. Sinosh Skariyachan Prudent Elucidation of Physiochemical & bacterial characteristics of Byramangala Tank, Ramanagara District VGST/ SPiCE, Rs. 30,000 2011 Completed
22. Dr. S. Kiran Biotechnology Finishing School Government of Karnataka Rs. 1 Crore 2011 Completed
23. Dr. S. Kiran Co-PI High Volume Propagation and Development/ Refinement of protocol of selected Bamboo species (2007-2010) NMBA-DST Rs. 27.55 laths 2007 Completed

    An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to VTU, Approved by AICTE & UGC


    Accredited by NBA & NAAC with 'A' grade.


    CET Code: E007 | Comed-K Code: E040

    PGCET - MBA: B158 | M.Tech: T822

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    Mahatma Gandhi Vidya Peetha Trust, DSI Institute, Kumara Swamy Layout, Jayaprakash Narayan Nagar, Bangalore, Bangalore Urban, Karnataka - 560078

    9741882324, 9741889394, 9741214448+91-80-42161750 / 1
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