Sl. No. Faculty Name WOS/Scopus/UGC Title Journal name Volume &  Issue Number
1 Dr. Radha Gupta UGC Combined Effects Of Acid And
Metal On The Survival Of Resource Based Population Incorporating Nutrient Recycling: A Mathematical
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Volume 10,
Number 6
(2015) ,
Scopus Statistical Investigation of
Optimization Methods for Solving Constrained Non-Linear
Global Journal of Pure
and Applied Mathematics
Volume 11,
Number 5
UGC ―Analytical Investigation on
Solidification of Ice Storage in a Rectangular Capsule with different Temperature Profiles‖
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Volume 10,
Number 20
Scopus ―Application of Real Coded
Genetic Algorithm (RGA) to Find Least Cost Feedstuffs for Dairy Cattle During Pregnancy‖
Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2016
Scopus ―Optimum Allocation of
Resources in University Management through Goal Programming‖
Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 12,
Number 4,
UGC ―Optimal Solution for
Distribution of Segregated Wastes of Garbage Disposal Unit Using Goal Programming‖
International Research
Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Scopus ―Semi Analytic Investigation of
Heat and Mass Transfer Modelling in Solidification‖
Indian Journal of
Science and Technology (IJST)
UGC ―Optimal Solution for Planning
of Disposal of Wastes using Mathematical Model‖
International Journal of
Control Theory and Applications (IJCTA)
UGC ―Design and Validation of
Ration Formulation of Cattle – A Research Investigation‖
International Journal of
Control Theory and Applications (IJCTA),
Websci ence ―Optimal Solution for the
distribution of By-Products in Disposal Unit‖
International Journal of
Research Granthaalayah (IJRG)
Websci ence ―Comparative Study On Feed
Formulation Software- A Short Review ‖
International Journal of
Research Granthaalayah (IJRG)
UGC ―Statistical Investigation of
Various Methods to find the Initial Basic Feasible Solution of a Transportation Problem‖
International Journal for
Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
Volume 5, Issue VII, 2017
UGC ―Optimal solution for Establishment of disposal units using goal programming Model‖ International Journal Of
Innovative Research in Science, Engineering And Technology
Volume 6
Issue 12, pp:18-220172
Scopus ―Financial Planning of the
Garbage Disposal Plant using Mathematical Model‖
Journal Of Engineering and Applied Sciences Volume 12,
Issue 12
UGC ―Moving Boundary Problem
Derived from Heat Transfer in
Solidification Process with Convective Upper Boundary
International Journal
for Research in Applied
Science and Engineering
Volume 6 ,
ssue I, Page
No:129- 136,2018
UGC ―design and development of
nutrient requirement calculator for dairy cattle feed formulation‖
International Journal of
Current Advanced Research (IJCAR)
Volume Issue 1(H),2018
UGC ―A Goal programming Approach
to Ration Formulation Problem for Indian Dairy Cows‖
International Journal of
Current Advanced Research (IJCAR)
Websci ence Ravi Kumar R, Radha Gupta,
Karthiyayini O., ―A New Approach To Find The Initial Basic Feasible Solution Of A Transportation Problem‖
International Journal of Research Granthaalayah (IJRG) 2018
UGC ―A Comparative Study of Initial
Basic Feasible Solution of Fuzzy Transportation Problems using ANOVA
International Journal of
Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
Websci ence ―A New Heuristic Approach To
Find The Initial Basic Feasible Solution Of Crisp And Fuzzy Transportation Problems‖
Universal Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Volume 11, Number 2,2018
Websci ence Goal Programming Model to
find least cost ration for non- pregnant dairy buffaloes-An alternative approach
International Journal of Tropical Agriculture 2018
UGC ―Numerical Analysis of Water
Solidification in a Rectangular
Encloser using for Ice Storage Systems‖
UGC ―Formation and Designing of
―Least-Cost Ration Formulation Application of Cattle‖ Using Excel VBA‖
Logistics, Supply Chain
and Financial Predictive Analytics. Asset Analytics (Performance and
UGC ―Supply–Demand Reparation Method‖ and ―Continuous Allocation Method‖ Supply Chain and
Financial Predictive Analytics. Asset Analytics (Performance and Safety
UGC ―Goal Programming Model to Budgetary Allocation in Garbage Disposal Plant‖ Logistics, Supply Chain
and Financial Predictive Analytics. Asset Analytics
(Performance and
UGC ―Study of Real-Coded Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (RGA) to Find Least-Cost Ration for Non- pregnant Dairy Buffaloes‖ Soft Computing for
Problem Solving. Part of AISC book series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and
UGC ―New ANN Model for
forecasting Indian Monsoon Rainfall‖,
Journal of Engineering
Mathematics and Statistics
Scopus ―Study on Simplex method and
Design & development of
Application for Solving Simplex Problem Using Python‖
Advances in Applied
mathematics, Special Issue
Scopus ―A review- Mathematical
Modelling on Water Pollution and its effects on Aquatic
Advances in Applied
mathematics, Special Issue
UGC ―An innovative approach to find
the initial solution of a Fuzzy transportation problem‖,
Recent trends in pure
and applied Mathematics, AIP
Scopus ―Fuzzified Multi-objective
transportation problem: A real coded genetic algorithm approach to the compromised near to optimal solution‖
IEEE conference proceedings 2019
UGC "Establishing Garbage Disposal Unit Using Mathematical Technique," 1st International
Conference on Advanced Technologies in Intelligent Control, Environment, Computing &
Websci ence ―Machine Learning based Predicting House Prices Using Regression Techniques‖ Proceedings of the
second International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry Applications
Scopus ―Reliability of Mechanical System with k-out-of-n subsystems‖, International Journal of
Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and
Volume 10,
Issue 3, 2020
Springe r/Scopu s Impact of COVID-19 in India and Its Metro Cities: A Statistical Approach Mathematical Analysis
for Transmission of COVID-19.
Patil, V., Gupta, R., Duraisamy,
R. et al. Dairy cattle nutrition and feed calculator—an android
Tropical Animal Health and Production 53, 315 (10-
Scopus Cattle Feed Formulation Using Modified Dual Simplex
Method—An Android Application
Soft Computing for
Problem Solving. Advances in Intelligent Systems and
Computing. Springer,
vol 1392,2021
S (Q1
Journal, Wiley Publicat
Nutrient requirement equations
for Indian goat by multiple regression analysis and least cost ration formulation using a linear and non-linear stochastic
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 2021
Scopus Cattle Feed Formulation Using Modified Dual Simplex
Method—An Android Application
Soft Computing for
Problem Solving. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer,
Scopus Design and development of self- made cost-effective Microsoft Excel Visual Basic application for livestock ration formulation", Book Chapter-"Animal Book chapter: Animal Husbandry 2022
Book chapter: Reliability Analysis of a Mechanical System with 3 Out of 5 Subsystems Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer Nature 2023
2 Dr. N.K.
Scopus A Review on Graph Theory in
Network and Artificial
Journal of Physics:
Conference Series
2, 2021
WOS A Review on Li ion Battery Management System INDIAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCES IJONS/VOL-
WOS Seasonable Variation on Trace
Metals Statistical Values of Groundwater in and Around Tannery Areas of Vellore District
Oriental Journal of Chemistry Volume-37, Issue-3, 2021
Scopus Structural analysis of Air CEUR Vol-2875
WOS Removal of COD from
Groundwater in and Around Industrial
Areas-Using Activated Carbon Powder Prepared by
Groundnut Foliage and
Oriental Journal of Chemistry Volume-37, Issue-4,2021
Scopus First Order Kinetics - Photo
Catalytic Action of TiO2 on Decolonization of Dilute Methyl Orange Solution – A Simple Eco-Friendly Approach
NVEO - Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils 2021
Scopus First Order Kinetics - Photo
Catalytic Action of TiO2 on Decolonization of Dilute Methyl Orange Solution – A Simple Eco-Friendly Approach
NVEO - Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils Volume: 8
Issue: 4, 2022
S &
Mechanical Properties of AAM
Natural Fiber-Reinforced Isophthalic Polyester Composites
Hindawi Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Volume 2022,
Article ID 3533143, 10
Study on Water absorption
characteristics, various chemical treatments, and applications of biological fiber- reinforced polymer matrix
Journal of Nanomaterials Volume 2023
Scopus/ WOS, Q4
On Numerical Bending Analysis
of Functionally Graded Porous Beam – Effect of Porosity Adapting Higher Order Shear
Deformation Theory
Journal of Computational Applied Mechanics Vol 54, Issue
Scopus (Q3) On Numerical Buckling Analysis
of Two-Directional Porous Functionally Graded Beam Using Higher Order Shear Deformation Theory
Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering VOL.21, ISSUE 1/2023
3 Dr. K.T.
scopus Numerical Integration of Highly
Oscillating Functions using Quadrature
Global Journal of Pure
and applied Mathematics
Vol.12, 2016
scopus Marangoni effects on forced
convection of power law fluids in thin film overan unsteady
Horizontal stretching surface
Indian Journal of Science and
scopus Optimal wavelet based
approach for n-dimensional integrals over Bounded and unbounded regions by
scopus Optimal wavelet based
approach for numerical evaluation of Hubbell rectangular source integral by
scopus Finite element mesh generation
technique for numerical computation of cutoff wave numbers in rectangular and L -
shaped waveguide
scopus The application of quadrilateral
finite element mesh generation technique for the analysis of cutoff wave number in rectangular with curved wave
scopus The optimal numerical wavelet
based integration of probability density function by chebyshev wavelet method
scopus A new approach for evaluation of volume integrals by haar wavelet method International Journal of
Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineeringthis link is
scopus Mesh generation techniques for numerical integration of arbitrary function over polygonal
domain by finite element method
IOP Conference 
Series: Materials  Science and  Engineeringthis link  is disabled,
scopus Finite element approach for
numerical integration over family of eight node linear quadrilateral element for solving
Materials Today: Proceedings 2020
scopus A new finite element mesh
generation technique for solving
surface integrals over polygonal domain
AIP Conference Proceedings 2020
Springe r/ scopus Numerical Evaluation of Highly
Oscillatory Integrals of Arbitrary Function Using Gauss- Legendre Quadrature Rule
Finite element approach for
numerical integration over family of eight node linear quadrilateral element for solving
Materials today 2021
WOS Chebyshev and Block Pulse
Wavelet Approach for the Non- Linear Quasi-Singular Integral Equation
Indian Journal of Natural Sciences 2023
wos Optimal Block Pulse Wavelet
Quadrature Method For Multidimensional
Integrals In Bayesian Statistics
Indian Journal of Natural science 2023
4 Dr. Sanjay Oli   ―Cosmological Models with
Klein Space- time‖Vol-1,No- 2,pp 129-134,
Journal of Advances in
Astrophysics, Isaac Scientific Publishing, Honkong.
  Sanjay Oli & B P Joshi ―A
Survey of Two-fluid Cosmological Models‖2nd NationalConference in Recent Advances in Sciences &
Seemant Institute of Technology, Pithoragarh
  ―Two-Fluid Interacting dark energy & dark matter cosmological models in a Kaluza-Klein spacetime‖,communicated to
Astrophysics and Space
5 Dr. D. R. Sasi Rekha UGC an Inclined Rectangular Cavity Mathematics Trends 2018
UGC The Boundary Layer
Convection with Uniform Heat Flux from the side walls of an InclinedRectangular   Enclosure
International   Journal
of   Engineering, Science   and Mathematics
Volume - 07
Issue - 03
6 Dr.Sowmya K UGC Hamiltonian Laceability of Some Regular Product Graph International Journal of
Mathematics Trends and Technology
Number- 8,2017
UGC On Hamiltonian Laceability of
Certain Regular Graphs
Engineering Journal
Scopus Study on Hamiltonian laceability
of Cayley graphs
AIP Conference Proceedings 2022
7 Dr. Chitra
Rama Prakash
Scopus Compression of biomedical images using DDWT and noise shaping algorithm International Journal of Health Sciences 2022
8 Dr.Kirthiga.M Scopus Transport and Reaction
Kinetics in Enzymatic Reaction
Process in Multiscale Porous Biocatalytic Electrodes
Chemistry Africa 2022
9 Smt. Yamuna B. Springe
r/Scopu s
Mathematical Analysis for
Transmission of COVID-19. Mathematical Engineering
Impact of COVID-19 in
India and Its Metro Cities: A Statistical
10 Dr. Naveen Kumar.R Scopus (Q2) Impact of diffusion-thermo and
thermal-diffusion on the flow of Walters-B fluid over a sheet saturated in a porous medium using local thermal non- equilibrium condition
Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media: An International Journal 2023
Scopus/ WOS (Q1) Three-Dimensional Swirling Flow of Nanofluid with Nanoparticle Aggregation Kinematics Using Modified Krieger–Dougherty and
Maxwell–Bruggeman Models: A
Mathematics volume 11,
Issue 9,2023

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