IEDC Activities 2018


Sl No. Dates Institution Branches
1 26th, 27th, 28th September 2018 DSIT All Branches
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2 04th, 05th, 6th February 2019 DSCE Chemical
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3 11th, 12th, 13th, February 2019 DSCE ISE
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4 12th, 13th, 14th February 2019 DSCE ECE
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4 25th, 26th, 27th February 2019 DSCE Civil Engineering
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  • On March 12th and 13th E-summit mega entrepreneurship activity was conducted by IEDC. It was coordinated by Faculty Coordinator Prof. Roopa Farshi and Student Coordinator Sachin Chopra. The E-Summit Comprises of 5 Speaker Sessions by Mrs. Anupama Gowda, Mr. Bharath Narayan, Mr. Anto Philip, Mr. Aravind Prakash Singh, Ms. Rashmi Daga. And 3 Workshops Business Model Canvas (BMC), Stock Marketing, Digital Marketing. And also 7 Competitions Mock Stock, IPL auction, 1$ Venture, Business Marathon, B-Plan Competition, Triathlon, Best Marketeir.
  • Click here for Complete Report

  • On 30th March Pitching Session was held at 91springboard office Bangalore. Around 8 E-Cell members have attended the Pitching session. The group is headed by Student Coordinator Mr. Sachin Chopra, Final year student of IE&M Department.

  • 5th April Activity on “Leadership Skill and Types of Leadership” was conducted. Mr. Sachin Chopra, Final year student of IE&M Department coordinated the Event. 23 students attended the program.

  • 15th April Activity on “Public Speaking” was conducted. Programme was coordinated by Ms. Roja at IEDC. 25 students were attended the event.

  • 23rd April Session on “Time Management and Goal Setting” was conducted. Mr. Adarsh Gupta, Final year student of IE&M Department coordinated the Event. 28 students were participated.

  • 25th April Half a day Illustrator workshop on “Basics of Adobe Illustrator” was conducted by Ms. Tanvi Agarwal, Final year CSE Student and also CEO / Owner of Virgo Painter. 30 students from different streams have participated in the Workshop. The Workshop is hands on experience on the above said software. Prof. Roopa Farshi welcomed the gathering. Program was ended with the distribution of Certificates.

  • CNBC visited DSCE campus and took interview of E-cell members on 30th November 2018

  • DST-NIMAT Facilitation workshop (south zone-I) organized by DST-NIMAT at SVCE, Tirupati on 19th December 2018.

    The workshop was conducted for ED coordinators from 65 selected Colleges across south India covering 4 states (Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Tamilnadu).

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  • 11 E-cell member who are students of 1st, 3rd and 4th year of different department attended E-Summit’19 Global Entrepreneurship Summit organized by IIT Mumbai with theme Paradigm of disruption. In this summit our students participated in events like webpreneurship, digital marketing, stock market, brand management, android development etc.

  • Mr. Adarsh Gupta, Final Year IEM student selected to participate in “LEAD PRAYANA” 14 days Annual leadership journey organized by Deshpande Foundation, Hubballi with 200 student capacity. In these 14 days their journey covers different places and has different activities. The journey started from 21st January 2019 from Belagavi.

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Entrepreneurship Awareness Campus (EACs)

National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development board (NSTEDB), a DST agency from GOI has initiated Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps (EACs) and implemented through EDII under DST-NIMAT project. The following is the list of Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps (EACs) conducted during 2017-18, 2016-17.

1 26,27 & 27 July 2017 DSIT All branches
2 30, 31 Aug & 1st Sept 2017 DSATM MCA
3 20, 21 & 22 September 2017 DSCE IEM & Chemical
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4 25,26 & 27 September 2017 DSCE MBA
5 2, 3 & 4 November 2017 DSU CT
6 9,10 & 11 November 2017 DSCE CSE
7 8,9 & 10 August 2016 DSCE ME & IEM
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1. E- Week 2018 announced by National Entrepreneurship Network(NEN) was successfully conducted from 10 to 16 Feb 2018.

Day/Date Activity Time Venue
Saturday, 10/2/2018 Inaugural function & My story by CEOs followed by Business Dumb Charades 10am - 1pm CD Sagar Auditorium
Monday 12/2/2018 Seminar on “Pitching fund raising & financial support” by Mr. C A Pavan Sharma, Balakrishna Consulting LLP 2.30pm- 4pm AV Auditorium
Wednesday 14/2/2018 Seminar on “IP aspects of a startup” by Mr. ArunSubramanyan V, Formulate IP Techno Legal Solutions Pvt. Ltd 2.30pm– 4pm AV Auditorium
Thursday 15/2/2018 Seminar on “Creativity in Entrepreneurship” by Mrs. Lakshmi Rajesh, Alyousha Consultancy services 2.30 - 3.30pm AV Auditorium
Movies screening: Kanasu –Nanasu& Hero 3.30-5pm AV Auditorium
Friday 16/2/2018 E-Xtempore: Pick N Speak competition & Prize distribution 2.30pm -5pm IEDC

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2. PM YUVA program was inaugurated on Friday, 23rd Feb 2018, 3pm at AV Auditorium, DSI Library.

PM YUVA Classes were held By Prof. S R Sudhir, Manager DERBI foundation on the following days between 5 to 7pm at Room no.701, New Engineering Block, DSI campus-1

1 Thursday, 1st March 2018 Let’s get started; form teams, how entrepreneurship has changed the world, what is entrepreneurship.
2 Friday, 16th March 2018 Explore E-cells on campus; why join E-Cell, from E-cell to entrepreneurship.
3 Friday, 23rd March 2018 Listen to some success stories; Global legends, your own heroes.
4 Wednesday, 11th April 2018 Analyze the communication style of an entrepreneur, Everything is not what it seems, Wrap up 1 & 2 Entrepreneurship style quiz 1 & 2
5 Friday, 20th April 2018 Customer profiling, personal selling, wowing your customer. Applied design thinking, design thinking process; Back pack redesign. Design thinking myth buster
6 Friday,  27th April 2018 Individual Activity; Understanding risks through risk takers Team Activity: The big debate scenario. Assignment: How entrepreneurs manage risks.

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 Friday 27th April 2018 was the last class of PMYUVA program for this semester which was held at IEDC. Refreshments were served for the participants.

3. Management Seminars on “Entrepreneurial Finance” was conducted on Monday 26th March 2018 between 2pm and 5pm at AV Auditorium, DSI Library with the following faculty resource persons. 49 engineering students including 4 from MSRIT attended the seminars.

TIME 2pm to 3.30pm 3.30pm to 5pm
SPEAKER Dr. Punith Cariappa Dean, School of Commerce & Management, DSU Prof. Kiran Bindu Partner - Mentes Capital
TOPIC Demystifying Finance Finance for Entrepreneurs

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4. BUSINESS MARATHON, a case study analysis and presentations were held on Wednesday, 11th April 2018 at. 10.30am @ IEDC. 8 teams participated in the daylong event featuring two business case study analysis and presentation by the teams.

TIME 10.30am to 1pm 2.30pm to 5pm
CASE How does Google Motivate its employees? Coca-Cola pesticide crisis

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E Week

Workshop on "Strategies for Technological Commercialization" by Mr. N.G. Lakshmi Narayan

IEDC conducted Workshop on "Strategies for Technological Commercialization" - An IP workshop for faculty members to educate on the patent filing, NRDC support for technology commercialization. The workshop was conducted on 18th May 2015 from 9.30 AM to 1.00 PM in our AV auditorium, main library.
Mr. N.G. Lakshmi Narayan is an IIT Kharagpur Master Graduate in the field of Bio Technology. 22+ years of experience in innovation/technology management viz., acquisition, evaluation, protection, value-addition and commercialization of innovations / technologies in areas of Agriculture, Horticulture, Sericulture, Food & Nutritional Sciences, Biochemistry, Applied Microbiology, Agri Chemistry, Plant and Animal Biotechnology, Chemicals, Bio-chemicals, etc. Workshop majorly focused on the procedures to file the patents, Value addition to the projects, the role of NRDC in supporting Entrepreneurship and IP Protection, and Licensing. Mr.Lakshmi Narayan also dealt on the funding agencies that can facilitate the Individual and the MSME's for taking the innovation to the later stage of commercializing it. He explained the process of engagement that NRDC will have with the Institute's entrepreneurs, who may or may not have filed the patent. Initially, screening of the Ideas will have to be done by a panel of members who will be in the Institutes Patent Cell. After successful screening of the ideas from the Institute's end, NRDC also conducts a screening and then processes it for Patent filing. He added that, NRDC provides Value Addition: NRDC conducts market survey and / market analysis of the process / product for its techno-economic feasibility / viability, basic engineering design package. He elaborated the process of Licensing and Industrial relations to be maintained in order to have the long term sustenance and various steps to follow during Licensing. Faculties across different Branches actively participated and there was a good interaction level with the speaker. The forum also consisted of a few faculty members who had already processed their provisional patent with the concerned patent authorities.


    An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to VTU, Approved by AICTE & UGC


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    CET Code: E007 | Comed-K Code: E040

    PGCET - MBA: B158 | M.Tech: T822

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