About The Conference

We are living through transformational times. A general development or change in a situation will affect many countries of the world. The road to the future has become a lot more uncertain. Leveraging Contemporary Management Practices examines the way of thinking that is needed to address issues as they emerge especially like pandemic situations across the globe. Contemporary issues have arisen as a result of past and current thinking and the practices we follow. Similarly, future issues will emerge as a result of current thinking and practices relevant to sustainable business development. As we know sustainable development is defined in terms of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs that has now become the only option for all businesses for their survival. As the pandemic affected major work trends, Corporates must rethink and revamp the business strategies to respond such situations amidst disruptions Management for a sustainable development appears as a process from which organizations try to use all its resources as well as improve its organization and technological development in order to answer not only to the present but also to future human and social needs. For any business enterprise sustainable development is nothing but adopting business strategies and activities that meet the needs of the enterprise and its stakeholders today while protecting, sustaining and enhancing the human and natural resources that will be needed in the future. Our international conference aims to connect the academia and the corporate world with an objective of creation of linkage between the both for the benefit of all stakeholders in Education, Industry and the Corporate World. Our conference also aims to stimulate the discussion on Innovation, Technology and emerging issues in contemporary management practices for sustainable development.

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